8 Signs of Vitamin D Deficiency

3 Min Read
Image: Pexels

Vitamin D is a group of fat-soluble vitamins that are responsible for the growth and development of the body. It promotes intestinal absorption of calcium. Vitamin D plays a significant role in the functioning of muscle, nerve, and immune systems. It also affects several systems in the body.  

The recommended daily intake (RDI) is 400 - 800 IU. However, some studies recommend higher doses of vitamin D required to manage blood levels. Less exposure to sunlight and an improper diet increase the risk of vitamin D deficiency.

In India, it is estimated with a prevalence of 70% - 100% in the general population. It is important to diagnose the deficiency at earlier levels as it increases the risk of osteoporosis and muscle weakness, especially in women.

Here are some of the signs and symptoms associated with vitamin D deficiency.

1. Hair loss

Hair loss is caused by stress which is often related to vitamin D deficiency. Severe hair loss has been linked to nutritional deficiency or a disease. Women reaching menopause with vitamin deficiency show issues of hair fall and muscle weakness due to hormonal changes.

2. Lower blood levels of vitamin D 

The normal range for vitamin D in our body is 20 ng/ml – 50ng/ml. A level of less than 12 ng/ml indicates vitamin D deficiency in the body.

3. Muscle pain and weakness

This is one of the common symptoms associated with vitamin D deficiency. Low levels of vitamin D causes joint and muscle pain. Vitamin D is essential for muscle and bone function. In severe cases, it leads to chronic inflammatory conditions that affect joints.

4. Poor digestion

Since vitamin D is essential for all body functions and the regeneration of cells. It is found in studies Lower blood levels of vitamin D in people are associated with inflammatory bowel disease. Vitamin D reduces the inflammatory protein and helps the immune system and increases metabolism.

5. Depression 

Vitamin D is a group of vitamins essential for all metabolic functions. It is also known as the “sunshine” vitamin. Studies suggested that vitamin D is important to brain functions. According to research studies that lower levels of vitamin D in the blood are linked to depression and mental illness.

6. Tiredness and fatigue

Studies show that low blood levels can cause fatigue and lower energy. Women in the 30s who were experiencing headaches and tiredness reported to have low vitamin D levels in the blood. The symptoms reduced after taking vitamin D supplements. Observational studies show there is a link between vitamin D and fatigue.

7. Delay in wound healing 

Sunlight stimulates the production of vitamin D from a chemical, 7-dehydrocholesterol which promotes wound healing. As it acts as a hormone more than a vitamin. So vitamin is required to control inflammation and proper healing. Slow wound healing after an injury can be a sign of low levels of vitamin D.

8. Getting sick frequently

There have been studies that show that vitamin D deficiency reduces the immune response. It leads to increased autoimmunity and susceptibility to infections. Vitamin D is directly linked to the immune cells which protect us from infections. it is observed that vitamin D dose helps in combating respiratory diseases too.

Good sources of vitamin D 

1. Sunlight

2. Food - fish, egg yolks, mushrooms, etc

3. Omega 3 rich food - fish, nuts, vegetable oils (soybean oil, flax-seed oil)

4. Cheese 

Required dietary intake

1. For Age 1-70: 600 IU

2. For Age 71 and older: 800 IU

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