Things you should know about Menopause: Phases, Signs & Symptoms

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What happens in Menopause?

Menopause is the phase in a woman’s life when her menstrual cycle ceases permanently. Ovaries (female gonads) produce two hormones- estrogen and progesterone which regulates the menstrual cycle and ovulation in women. When the levels of estrogen and progesterone start declining and don't release eggs, the process is called menopause. In other words, a woman can’t get pregnant after attaining menopause. It’s a natural process but brings drastic changes to a female body due to hormonal changes.

It took years to complete the stoppage of menstruation. It is considered menopause when there is no menstruation for at least 1 year. Since every woman is different hence menopausal symptoms can differ. However, the menopausal age can differ due to geographical, social, and other reasons. The average age of menopause in India is 48 years while in the U.S. it is 51 years.

According to a survey conducted by ISEC ( Institute for Social and Economic Change), nearly 4% of Indian women experience signs of menopause between 29 and 34 years of age. Menopause can bring drastic changes in a female’s body due to hormonal changes.

Phases of Menopause

 1. Perimenopause 

Perimenopause, the menopause transitions are the signs and symptoms that begin several years before the complete menopause. It occurs when the ovaries gradually start making less estrogen and ultimately stop releasing eggs. Low estrogen levels lead to disturbance of the menstrual cycle and start showing signs such as hot flashes, irregular bleeding, etc. It usually starts in women at the age of 40 but this age can differ in women. Perimenopause can last up to 3-4 years before menopause.

2. Postmenopause 

During postmenopause, most of the perimenopausal symptoms gradually decrease. Postmenopause is the phase when the women are no more fertile. Estrogen levels lower down to a significant level. Chances of getting pregnant disappear postmenopause. The body starts to regain its energy but utmost care has to be taken off during this phase. Risk of heart diseases and bone loss increases. Seek doctor advice to reduce the risks. Adopt a healthy lifestyle.

Common signs and symptoms of Menopause

1. Irregular periods

This is the first sign that occurs when estrogen levels drop in a female’s body. Estrogen is known to control the menstruation cycle. The menstrual cycle becomes irregular and can be shorter or longer. One may bleed more or less than usual. See your doctor If experience heavy bleeding or spotting.

2. Hot Flashes

Sudden heat or warm sensation in the chest, face, or upper parts of the body, sometimes in lower parts too. This can be due to low estrogen levels in the body. The face can become red and patchy. Profused sweating or increased heartbeat can also occur. Hot flashes can be mild to strong enough to wake you up in the night. Drink water and take a rest. See a doctor in severe conditions 

3. Vaginal discomfort

Due to decreased levels of estrogen, the vagina may get dry, itchy, or inflamed. As a result, dyspareunia, a condition of painful intercourse occurs. Other problems like vaginal or bladder infections may also occur that lead to bladder incontinence in which one is not able to hold urine for long.

4. Uncomfortable sleep

Frequent urge to urinate, sweating, anxiety lead to difficulty in sleeping for many women. It is found some women suffer from insomnia while going through the menstrual phase. Light yoga before sleep can help. Keep the body hydrated. Drink warm milk before sleeping may help.

5. Mood and behavior change

Due to lower levels of estrogen, many women feel irritability and inconsistency in their behavior. They become moody and feel emotional disturbances. Changing hormonal levels cause mood swings and sometimes depression too if not taken care of. These symptoms ultimately lead to disturbed sleep and insomnia. Many women also feel low sex drive and less interested in doing physical activities. A balanced diet and exercise may help to reduce the symptoms.

6. Difficulty in concentrating and learning

Cognitive functions such as concentration and learning can also be affected by changing hormones. Sometimes women also experience difficulty in recalling things. Yoga may help.

7. Other effects

Obesity, hair loss, loss of energy are some of the other symptoms associated with menopause.

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